Yes you had the old figured out and it was easy.  You had all the programs and tools lined up and knew exactly all of the steps.  But, in order to grow you upgraded.  The upgrade didn't appear like an upgrade. It felt awkward and you
didn't know all the steps and felt held up.  The old is harder to access now because the OLD lessons have been integrated into the NEW but much expanded step.  You can't go backwards.  However, comfortable it was!  

And you haven't yet found your sea legs.  But your Soul wants to expand, not stay in the same place forever.  The way the new experience feels is weird, rough and yet curiosity comes up about how you'll do this, who can help you?  You start something with intentions to complete it and then you realize you don't have the tool you need in that moment.  Your mind rises up and says "How am I ever going to complete this, I am going to fail before I've even begun, this has wasted my time, ARRRGHH!!!!"

But the soul says BREATHE it will all come together.  Just trust that it's all unfolding perfectly even amidst the frustration.  When you are feeling blocked by external things. Computer programs that you don't yet have the tools to open.  Learning new ways to open and perceive the old.  Having to adjust the lens to take in the expanded view.  Remember the old used to feel like this before it was mastered. These HOLD UPS are part of the process. 

Sometimes these hold ups are about learning patience.  Whilst calming the mind chatter that is saying "the external will see me as a failure".  Seeing and hearing all those who were impatient with YOU in the past saying there you go again.  Yet remember YOU never failed, you in fact grew despite them towards the NEW.  And maybe part of their learning process is to remember as it is yours that learning at NEW level is a PROCESS.  Its practicing going with what is.  For what is, is what is and yet ever expanding.  

So I say breathe and remember it's a process!  You can do it just flow with what is and it will all unfold perfectly without struggle, just adjusting bit by bit to the new.  And this will change the energy around the situation.  Maybe the energy has been the issue all along.  

Adjusting is not the same as struggle.  Struggle is splashing about and angry, whereas adjusting is going with what is breathing and reminding oneself it's a process, which includes stop offs!!!!  

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
Facebook: Expansionisthewaybusiness  
Twitter: @youcandhandleit
You tube:Joanne Lovett
Linked in: Joanne Lovett
I am going to talk about something today that may not seem like love and light but healing comes from awareness and revelation.  Over the years I have reflected on the family patterns of my mother and my grand mother.  I recognised that I to followed the familiar pattern which was reinforced by society to take care of others before myself.  Unlike my mother and grand mother I was afforded the opportunity to attend college and later go to university.  I have read countless books and attended many courses all with the purpose of improving my life and that of my daughter's.  I heard my mum say some years ago that she'd not had the chance to follow her dreams and be a nursery nurse because she'd devoted her life to taking care of others in an unpaid capacity.  Once we were of a certain age and attending High School mum returned to part time work of a manual nature which was not so well paid.  My grand mother, I called (nannie growing up!) worked in manual jobs in various industries for meagre wages.  She later took care of my ailing grand father just as she had retired.  Both of these very significant women in my life encouraged me to get an education so I wouldn't have to work so hard for meagre wages. 

As my daughter will convey, I've attended many courses and have enough books to fill a library :-) and I have applied a lot of what I have learnt.  I even took some time off work to go back to college to ensure I had the right qualifications to become a mature student.  I confess to always having a hard time at work never really fitting in with the bosses vision.  I have a pet hate for seeing others including myself mistreated and disrespected.  Yet, this seems to be the way the world of work was!  The boss previously a worker was dominated and manipulated and treated poorly and then works their way up and then treats those under them in much the same way.  I am told this is work ethic in practice!  So going to university and being in education was much preferred to working.  Don't get me wrong I am not lazy although I do love to sit and read and gaze out of the window dreaming of what it would be like if others treated each other well. 

However, I found similar practices during my placements at university.  I wonder whether these people just don't have a clue how to nurture those under their guardianship.  It appears so, yet some seem to get out alive!  I expect since our thoughts affect others that these people in power position could sense that I did not agree with their work ethic.  After letting go of this formal education when it was obvious it was not my best fit either, I went and studied Performance Coaching and NLP.  It is here I realised how poor teaching practices really are with out coaching and NLP, which are the cornerstones to excellent communication and understanding of other people.  What I did realise is the more I learnt over the years the more upset I was with the system and work ethic which under pinned nearly every job and educational establishment I'd encountered (yes there were one or two that didn't fit this mold!) The lack of nurturing those in your guardianship.

I feel like many in the trap of this system because despite being in the process of building up my own business, I need to earn a living in a part time job in the meantime.  This part time job is one where much is expected and the pay is meagre so despite all the education I am actually doing a job similar to my mother and grand mother (nannie)! I am told its due to the recession. I feel the system doesn't support the majority.  So what's the solution?  Reconnecting with your Inner Team just sit quietly and breath and ask "Inner Team please guide me".  And you'll begin to see your family patterns and correct them so you end up with people who have a better understanding of nurturing you!

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
Twitter: @youcandhandleit
You tube:
Joanne Lovett
Linked in: Joanne Lovett

In any group or dynamic the most dominant energy will act as a tuning fork for the energy that surrounds it.  Every successful person had people around them that supported them.  If you look a person who is miserable and depressed you will usually see them all alone or with some others who are also complaining about their fate.  Also, this explains why group healings work and why it is said that great minds think alike.  Thus, discerning and deciding what groups of energy you support matters if you are not to get burnt out, drained and ending up in energies that make you feel sick. 

I'll give you an example, Jenny had pure intentions of making a difference in the Gallagher household.  She went and sometimes she was able to influence changes.  Mainly when it was supporting the family in gaining something such as extra services or financial support.  However, if Jenny was trying to speak up for the children against something Mr and Mrs Gallagher did not agree with then since they were in the leading roles and had the final say Jenny couldn't influence them.  And then other professionals joined the mix and also were playing leading roles in the various fields.  Jenny was there to support their goals for the family and sometimes those goals conflicted but the leading person present usually got their way, which was usually mum.  And occasionally dad! 

Jenny was so frustrated and could see that many times the children were powerless.  She helped them to learn about dialoguing and discussing things with their parents however they also found that if their parents disagreed then they lost the battle.  And once again the most dominant energies won! 

On one particular week Jenny got sick, I am sure it was brought on by the struggle and challenge of feeling sickened by her lack of control of the group she allowed herself to participate in.  She just couldn't budge the dominant energies.  She began to contemplate what was going on?  And she realised that she was cast in a supporting role.  A supporting role is just that it supports the dominant energies who lead and direct the course.  Jenny also recognised the areas of her life where she was the leading role and the most dominant energy or amongst them and how she tuned the energies as a tuning fork does. 

Armed with this information Jenny made a major decision about whether she wanted to continue supporting the dominant energies of the group she was supporting!  And decided she was going to stop supporting the dominant energies of a group that was being lead in a direction she didn't wish to support.  And she realised this was where she was the most dominant leader in her life, the chooser and discerner of what she participated in! 

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
Facebook: Expansionisthewaybusiness  
Twitter: @youcandhandleit
You tube: Joanne Lovett
Linked in: Joanne Lovett