Most recently I have been faced with some dilemmas and I am going to share them here since they may be things others are going through.  Firstly with my father who has quite complex care needs.  After confusion and deliberation and prayer about these dilemmas.  I was lead to asking a dear human spiritual companion Calista Ascension Writer and Teacher who reminded me of the Spiritual Law of Grace and to check in with my own intentions.  Then I went back to prayer and asked for assistance in understanding the Law of Grace.  I was lead to read about the Law of Grace and the Law of request and later Neale Donald Walsch book and my clarity increased.  I realized that others were reinforcing his dependency unconsciously by their actions. My spiritual companions and my Beloved I am Presence and Mother/Father God speak to me through books among other things.  I firstly went into silence and then asked for clarity and assistance and then the next morning I had the thought to go into my closet and there it was the book by Diane Cooper about the Spiritual Laws.  And then I realized that Neale Donald Walsch book CWG book 2 anniversary edition today clarified further what I was contemplating.  So my prayer was answered.  I had a similar dilemma with my work situation recently so I know this was a big area of my life as a helper/healer/supporter of others in Love rather than over taking. This rounded off a big subject in my life about boundaries which I have been receiving for some time now.  What would love do is a big question that helps us much?  Love is expansive so if it doesn't help another to help themselves within their capabilities is it actually Love or is it wrong use of power and fear?  

I know life is about expanding my awareness and of late this has surely happened and of course awareness is what consciousness is.  I also know that the very fabric of my life is where the magic happens for life is not separate from my spiritual path.  What my body does, what my mind contemplates and what I focus on my prayer, silence moments and meditative moments are all intertwined and that is where balance truly is.  When is helping not helpjng?
Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne Lovett 

Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!

As I sit looking back on all the preparations of 2012, the meditations, group meditations, healings and whollings, the activation's and attuning to many portals, moon cycles and to the sun (Solar logos), the waiting and anticipation for 21 December 2012  I sit here now in the silence of the unknown.  I sit and know that I know I want to uplift others and help them to get on to their true path and share their unique gifts in service to the whole.  I know that it isn't accidental that we don't know all of the answers because each aspect of our multi-dimensional big self is veiled with different thicknesses of veils, otherwise if we could see it all in its ultimateness then we'd never be able to experience the unique aspects that make up the whole.   So it is by design that at this level we don't get to see the whole out picture of the entirety of that which is Us/our beloved I am Presence.  Yet, recently we are closer to our I am Presence and filled with more of its energy at this level.  Thus, more is illuminated and much quicker.  

What does this mean for us?  It means that when we dwell on a situation or thing it will come into being much quicker than before.  It means our souls voice will be much stronger so we will feel more deeply when something is off kilter with our divine blueprint/our true path.  We have all heard of things being pre-destined but what does that mean here now.  Well up until 21 December 2012 it meant that in our pre-incarnated state between lives we encoded within us a blueprint which is dynamic and unfolds as we allow it to.  Each time we follow our inner voice the blue print unfolds and manifests more and more.  

Yet, from 21 December 2012 we were encoded with a new blue print which is still being integrated.  Many will be feeling confused about what this means?  And the truth is no one really knows.  Yet, as with the old blue print we will know when things are off kilter for they won't feel good.  When something doesn't feel good its telling us to change it, move away from it or to question our patterns.  For example, if our body is feeling tired and yet we are still saying yes to more activity then we will feel off kilter and may need to change our yes and no patterns.  Another example, if we are working at a place where others leave their work undone and we are fed up of picking up the slack and feel resentful we know we are off kilter and need to speak up.  Or it could be that someone is providing us a service and it is below par or to someone in our care that is not able to self care because of lack of capacity and we feel irritated that things are left undone and feel off kilter so we need to confront those people providing a poor service.  

We know when things are off kilter and that is all we need to know to adjust.  We don't need to know the whole out picture! 
I know what is important to me because I know what I value.  Yet, I also know at times I have many things I value and thus I have to prioritize.  I also realize at different times I may need to decide which value over rides.  For example, I love my daughter and partner very much.  I also love my dad, mum sisters and nieces and nephews and some very close friends.  I love people and sharing techniques, tools and ideas and uplifting others.  Yet, I have a barometer that tells me when I am radiating out of balance.  We each have this barometer but don't always listen to it.  Sometimes we feel that all the external demands are in control.  However, just like the light on our dashboard that signals low fuel if its ignored we will realize what the barometer was trying to tell us all along.  WE are out of balance.  So what is this barometer?  If you haven't guessed its our body! 

Our body is actually a Ferrari and if we treat it as such it will run smoothly and purr along, however, if we ignore the odd tinge and the odd ache and get so much into busy work that we forget to eat and live off coffee and high sugar drinks or binge on chocolate then its like putting gunk into our fuel tank.  At first it may chugger along but eventually it will grind to a halt. Then we will need a recovery team either on this side of the veil or the other side if we've impaired our Ferrari too much.

Arrrr but you may say What I need to do is very important and I will say YES it is however, if you cut your trip short then your impact will definitely not be felt.  So its about making a splash but knowing how big a splash to make.  Life is about transitions and some transitions take more time than others.  For example, I am building up my business as a life coach and Holistic Healer.  It is my aim to help uplift others and assist them on the journey that is their best fit! However, there are other areas of my life that I need to also take care of: My health, learning all the different bits about running a business, caring for my daughter and home, working part time as a care worker, ensuring my dad who has medical problems gets the care he needs, updating my blog, Facebook  twitter and You tube pages, so how do I keep a balance: I meditate each day, I use crystals and take sea salt baths and I ask my internal guidance team in this silence to assist me, I use oracles cards and note down any thing I see that answers my silent question, I watch movies/comedies with my partner and sometimes my daughter, I have lie ins and I constantly have to remind myself that my body needs rest.  

My biggest passion aside of my family is uplifting others and yet if I do not take good care of me then my wonderful ferrari will end up at the scrap yard.  I came here to planet earth to assist others yet if I don't assist me then nothing else is possible.  Because as Rhianna says we are like diamonds in the sky.  Yet, what Joanne says at Expansion is the Way! if we don't care for ourselves then we soon lose our sparkle!
Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne Lovett 

Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!
In 2010, I needed rocket fuel to sustain the live I was living.  I couldn't say no or rather wouldn't say no. Why? Because I had been taught all my life to take care of others.  As the eldest sister I was taught to belief it was my role to take care of others.  Now when I was 6 years old maybe being asked to take care of my little sister in the back garden or out in the avenue was appropriate. But, do I really need to or is appropriate to continue this pattern into both of our adult hoods?  I think not.  Yes we all need a helping hand now and then BUT do we really need to micro mange others lives?  And whilst we are doing this do we know if its even wanted?  Or are we playing a well worn out role?  

For a while high sugary foods, larger portions, white bread, chocolate and the excuse that eating was taking care of me because it brought pleasure sustained me.  But, I got to a point where many others are or are heading where I would need rocket fuel.  How did I change my life so I didn't need to upgrade to Rocket fuel?  

I looked at my patterns of giving and receiving.  I began to listen to my body's cries of tiredness and fatigue.  I learnt to say No when my metaphorical plate was full.  I began to see that if I didn't rest or take care of me I soon would need to by getting ill.    I changed my mindset to realising that without balance in me the scales would never balance regardless of the diet.  I also knew that my relating habits and roles I played needed to changed forever.  I had to rid myself of them the same way I would later rid myself of the 10 plus bags of old clothes.  Yet, the internal changes, i.e the relating habits, the saying no, the remembering that some people hadn't even asked for my help and that many were grown ups who if left alone could decide how they lived there lives without me micro managing it.  I learnt to delegate which for the eldest child may seem alien.  I began to see others could do certain things much better than me.  I began to decide what I could invest in and what I couldn't and be okay with that.  

So when you only fill your metaphorical plate to it capacity then you don't need to fill your food plate with Rocket Fuel!  Because after all you are not trying to get to space unless that is space in your clothes or in your life or to have a quiet moment!  

Joanne Lovett
Expansion is the Way!
@youcanhandleit (Twitter)
[email protected]
Youtube: Joanne Lovett 
Since the day your were born and even prior to that your Perception without Awareness was capturing many treasures and stored them in your sub-conscious mind.  But I want to let you into a secret there is a way to take those treasures and use them to create a life of riches.  

Are You READY to come on a trip of a life time and discover the gems that are hidden out of conscious awareness in your sub-conscious?  If so let the journey commence!   The journey starts as most coaching journeys do with some skillful questions.  What is your most treasured child hood memory?  When you've got that memory into focus really describe everything you can see, hear and feel, play it like a movie in your mind.  Write it down or draw a picture or write a list of the key things you heard, saw and felt in that memory.  What colours could you see?  Who was there? What smells could you smell?  What music was playing?  What were the people saying?  (Use what ever questions help you to fully experience this memory.

Then take the next memory that comes up and follow the same exercise as above.  When you have five or six memories and you have completed the exercise of totally experiencing each memory I want you to either create a picture with any materials to hand using paints, objects, magazines or any other items you have that will help you completely create YOUR very own block buster movie.  This includes song choices, tastes, people etc. The idea is to capture the best memories and the best bits. 

When you have completed the above, however, long it takes I will in my next blog help you to use this to your advantage.  Stay tuned to find out what the next steps are to creating YOUR best life yet .........................
Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne Lovett 

Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!