In 2010, I needed rocket fuel to sustain the live I was living.  I couldn't say no or rather wouldn't say no. Why? Because I had been taught all my life to take care of others.  As the eldest sister I was taught to belief it was my role to take care of others.  Now when I was 6 years old maybe being asked to take care of my little sister in the back garden or out in the avenue was appropriate. But, do I really need to or is appropriate to continue this pattern into both of our adult hoods?  I think not.  Yes we all need a helping hand now and then BUT do we really need to micro mange others lives?  And whilst we are doing this do we know if its even wanted?  Or are we playing a well worn out role?  

For a while high sugary foods, larger portions, white bread, chocolate and the excuse that eating was taking care of me because it brought pleasure sustained me.  But, I got to a point where many others are or are heading where I would need rocket fuel.  How did I change my life so I didn't need to upgrade to Rocket fuel?  

I looked at my patterns of giving and receiving.  I began to listen to my body's cries of tiredness and fatigue.  I learnt to say No when my metaphorical plate was full.  I began to see that if I didn't rest or take care of me I soon would need to by getting ill.    I changed my mindset to realising that without balance in me the scales would never balance regardless of the diet.  I also knew that my relating habits and roles I played needed to changed forever.  I had to rid myself of them the same way I would later rid myself of the 10 plus bags of old clothes.  Yet, the internal changes, i.e the relating habits, the saying no, the remembering that some people hadn't even asked for my help and that many were grown ups who if left alone could decide how they lived there lives without me micro managing it.  I learnt to delegate which for the eldest child may seem alien.  I began to see others could do certain things much better than me.  I began to decide what I could invest in and what I couldn't and be okay with that.  

So when you only fill your metaphorical plate to it capacity then you don't need to fill your food plate with Rocket Fuel!  Because after all you are not trying to get to space unless that is space in your clothes or in your life or to have a quiet moment!  

Joanne Lovett
Expansion is the Way!
@youcanhandleit (Twitter)
[email protected]
Youtube: Joanne Lovett 
Since the day your were born and even prior to that your Perception without Awareness was capturing many treasures and stored them in your sub-conscious mind.  But I want to let you into a secret there is a way to take those treasures and use them to create a life of riches.  

Are You READY to come on a trip of a life time and discover the gems that are hidden out of conscious awareness in your sub-conscious?  If so let the journey commence!   The journey starts as most coaching journeys do with some skillful questions.  What is your most treasured child hood memory?  When you've got that memory into focus really describe everything you can see, hear and feel, play it like a movie in your mind.  Write it down or draw a picture or write a list of the key things you heard, saw and felt in that memory.  What colours could you see?  Who was there? What smells could you smell?  What music was playing?  What were the people saying?  (Use what ever questions help you to fully experience this memory.

Then take the next memory that comes up and follow the same exercise as above.  When you have five or six memories and you have completed the exercise of totally experiencing each memory I want you to either create a picture with any materials to hand using paints, objects, magazines or any other items you have that will help you completely create YOUR very own block buster movie.  This includes song choices, tastes, people etc. The idea is to capture the best memories and the best bits. 

When you have completed the above, however, long it takes I will in my next blog help you to use this to your advantage.  Stay tuned to find out what the next steps are to creating YOUR best life yet .........................
Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne Lovett 

Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!


I have many voices telling me what to do: some from my culture and family to.  Then I have a voice that seems to be only a whisper, sometimes its shows itself as a feeling, other times it is like a magnetic pull.  Yet, each time it pulls me to the people, situations, things that are in sync with the best fit for me.  
This voice is my Expansion is the Way voice.  

The more I follow where this voice LEADS the louder it gets and the more it radiates and draws me to those things in sync with the best fit for me.  And the amazing thing is that the louder this voice becomes the more the other cultural and familiar voices fade into the back ground.  And the more I see that Expansion is the Way to my own best fit!  

Its like in the world there are many voices and so much noise but there are also tools to help you to listen more acutely.  And what is even more remarkable you don't need to see your mind as an enemy and neither do you need to see these other people as enemies either.  You will just learn that there are certain tools that serve particular situations and in fact everything has its place in your space just not all at the same time.  

Coaching at Expansion is the Way enables you to hear the voice that serves you best and reduces your stress.  

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
07948 284135

My journey into Coaching began many years ago.  I read books by Fiona Harold, Tony Robbins and frequently read Suzy Greaves newsletters.  In 2010 my own life changed dramatically and amongst the many changes was my career.  For some years I had received letters and leaflets about becoming a Coach but always put them to one side because I was already at University and knew what I wanted, didn't I?  I was committed to my degree and I was not going to change tracks.  However, my life had others ideas.  Quite briskly doors began to close on my career.  Yet, I have a strong determination and I kept on committing to my degree.  During this time I was doing a lot of reading and changing many patterns using Coaching books and other personal development books.  I began to reflect on my own behaviour patterns, my own thinking and my own life.  What I realised is that when you change even one behaviour pattern it ripples out and begins to change your life in the world.  

By June 2011 my degree came to an end and the idea of becoming a Coach became stronger and stronger.  One thing lead to another and I ended up contacting Simply Changing and enrolling my savings in a Coaching training programme.  From the first day I arrived on the training course I knew that this was the right place for me.  By the end of the first days training I knew that I had embarked on something that made sense of all the growing and changing I had gone through in the previous year.  As my training continued and I began to use Coaching tools in my life all my relationships changed, in fact my whole way of being changed.  I was able to ask questions in skilled ways which had great consequences, whereas in the past I would have given advice.  If this wasn't magical enough I then was introduced to NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming - which is how our mind communicates with us, processes all that happens in our experience and filters what it experiences) yes I know that is a mouthful to chew on.  But, magical nonetheless and if you partner with me as a Coachee you'll get to discover exactly how magical Coaching and NLP really is!  

As my training progressed and I embodied and practiced more and more of the techniques my whole life gradually changed and before I knew it I had finished my training course and was being accredited.  (Alright then, it was very hard work putting all the evidence together for my accreditation and I put a lot of effort into my goal of becoming a Coach :-) but the Coaching and NLP tools and techniques supported my goal every step of the way!  

So much so that it lead to me starting Expansion is the Way! so I can share this amazing world with YOU!!!!!  
1. You are feeling stuck and are not sure of what to do next in your life.
2.  You are experiencing relationship problems and need help gaining perspective about what processing are playing out in your relationship. 

3.  Your children have left home and you want to start focusing on your own life and your next steps.

4.  You have a goal in mind and want to harness all of your resources and stay motivated until you reach your goal.

5.  Your child has just started school and you feel like you have lost a sense of who you are now?

6.  You've just been made redundant or are about to be and you are not sure what direction to go in.

7.  You have strong beliefs that mean you put everyone else's needs before your own.

8.  You are not sure what you think or feel anymore.

9.  You have low self esteem.

10. You just feel you need someone to support you for a change.

11.  You get a sense that a Coach is just what you need.  
D - Denial, when we aren't aware that there is anything unresourceful or not supporting our goal

R - Resistance, when the topic of maybe changing something comes up, for example, someone points out that you frequently up late, which could be a reason why you are tired and find it hard getting up in the morning and you totally resist this idea

E - Experimentation, which is when you start to play with options in your mind and explore different ways of seeing things, you may reflect and contemplate what is happening in a particular area of your life.  

Acceptance - When you accept that what you are doing is not supporting your goal and you are ready to change this and commit to implementing new ways of being and new behaviors.
The Grow Model
The GROW model is a framework which enables a Coach to structure the coaching process. 

G - Goal and as your Coach I will use many other tools and techniques within the G part of the GROW model.  For example, skilled questions, using the wheel of life to prioritize your specific life areas and how much you are investing in each or even a vision board.

R - Reality,  expanding on asking skilled questions to find out your goal as your Coach I will help you to explore how your current life style fits with your goal.  I may use the patterns exercise, the beliefs table,  the change model to help you to gain an objective view of where you are now and where any gaps are to being where you want to be when your goal is achieved. 

O - Options, as your Coach I will assist you in looking at the different ways you may reach your goal, which I will do by using many more skilled questions and techniques such as disassociation to help you to get an objective view of the many options for reaching your goal. 

W - Will, also known as motivation.  I will use techniques such as Association and focusing on the positives to help you to harness all of your inner resources and assist your mind into a resourceful state.